Okay Ladies on a recent haul I found that 1 of my pigments looked as if it was a dupe for my blue brown pigment from mac, then I checked out a few more. So here goes nothing! Tell me what you think?
Left to right Mac cosmetics on the left Loreal hip on the right, Loreal Hip is a tad harder to blend and doesn't last as long in color during the day. But the colors are pretty good.
Pictured are the swatches of Golden Olive Pigment Vs Rebel from Loreal Hip
Mac's Golden Olive Pigment left Loreal Hip's Rebel on the right (below)
Left to right Mac's Vanilla pigment Vs Restless from Loreal Hip same under tones only
restless you have to blend a little more.
Thanks for viewing I hope this same people money in the future!!!
I forgot to add all pigments used without a primer in the pic's...
thanks so much for posting this. i sent you a pm requesting the intrepid/blue brown vs. this is better w/ more dupes. you know i'm a sucka for them. thanks so much girl! :O)
This was a great post!
I'm always on the hunt for cheaper alternatives to MAC, and those dupes look very good.
…PS I nominated your blog for an award! Here’s the link (“,)
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