Friday, September 3, 2010

Get Rid of Dark Circles Within First Before you have to spend Ton's of money!

Posted by BeautyGUMBO at 9:10 AM
Hey Sweet tarts just wanted to drop in and share with you some Cheap ways to help with dark circles and under eye darkness. Since most of us have dark circles from genitics others may notice it from sun damage, lack of rest not enough of water and an improper diet. I have delt with it since my teens years but I used to rub my eyes something terrible because I didnt wear my glasses. But I made myself stop because I did notice it making my eyes darker than they where. So a few months back while trying different eye creams I notice I was sleeping right and stressing over nothing as always.But it also help me to realize lack of proper sleep wasnt helping my eyes as well. Since getting back into my routine of lots of Water and sleep its alot better and I dont have to use the 100 buck eye cream. I also started taking vitamin k.
I hope this has been helpful remember that its so importanted not to stress the small stuff and before you go out and spend all this money on so many eye creams try healing within.

1. Drink Plenty of H2o
2. Get Proper rest
3. Do not rub or distub eye area
4. Eye cream with spf and yes protection in the winter as well
5. Add vitamins to your daily intake if you are not on a proper diet plan.


DPrincess28 on September 3, 2010 at 2:03 PM said...

Great tips!

1xellus1 on September 4, 2010 at 6:58 AM said...

Good post!

Unknown on September 4, 2010 at 9:36 AM said...

Must give this product a try and I need to stop rubbing my eyes. lol!! Thanks for sharing :)


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