I don't know about you but are we chasing waterfalls when it comes to that perfect skin in a bottle. We spends tons of bucks on foundation and brands but what about our own beautiful brown, light or dark skin!
Okay back to the topic I am so tired of trying different foundation when will my addiction end? But I am really Pissed off at how many brands don't offer darker tons and Higher ends are on the top of the list.
If I can walk into wally world and find my skin tone in maybeline well lets just say Chanel should have it! Perscriptives, Mac, and of course MUFE offer deeper tones and shades so why not true high end company's? Do they feel like the urban market cant afford them to invest in? Maybe they feel like they should only cater to WWOC (women without color) Just in case you where wondering... Well enough of my little rant about foundation...
I agree with your comments about Chanel. I actually have a colour match with them but it's the darkest shade they offer and it doesn't seem right.
This needed to be said! I'm still ISO my perfect color. I found out that MAC NW43 was too warm for me. ALL WRONG! I gave mine to a friend. Fortunately I was able to depot so I can back2MAC it, but it is sooooo frustrating. I went to the MAC counter & the girl told me I'm NC43. I tried it on & it's a perfect match. So now I can't even see that on the website. & that is midtier $. LOL so do we have to go custom now w/ prescriptives? OMG the colors always seem to be off. I guess I'm stuck w/ my Revlon Custom Creations in the meantime. (salty!)
I was like dang it
I was like dang it
1xellus girl my Nw43 is looking to warm on me as my skin clear up. Great on camera but outside whoa! My skin is changing so fast. But I used to love myy custom creations as well they dont sell it at my walgreens
I agree. Alot of brands make colors for complexions that wear NC40 or below. Alot don't cater to WOC and I feel it is because they feel we don't have the money and because they feel we are not worth their time. I hope that changes in the future, but it's like being bigger than a size 8 or 10. How many stores make really cute clothes for size 14 and up? Not enough.......
i agree w/ both of you ladies! how about i was watching tyra 1 day this week (rerun) & she said that woc make up 85% of the 100% or all haircaire/beauty market sales. OKAY? they need to wake up b/c the woc dollar is long & i know plenty of people who'd rather have their appearance tight than pay bills on x. LOL also could be that the mac colors are oxidizing on us b/c of the oils in our skin. that could account for the too warm situation. next x we have a bogo here on revlon & i have the dough, i'll hook u up w/ a #60 deep. i started out on #3, then 2. today i was buggin mixing #1 w/ some true match bronze LOL (on my cat eye get 'em girl red lips post) LOL note the diff neck & face color, but it's all good. practice makes perfect. i'm even hesitant to go to clinique or prescriptives right now b/c of the tan. ugh!
& u know those 2 comments i made were long enough to be a video response right? LOL
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